How I helped EZRA build brand awareness with community-driven content
EZRA is a digital coaching platform born out of WorkLifeLabs – an innovation lab by LHH exploring ideas and technologies that will change the industry for a generation.
They provide online executive coaching to clients such as Nestlé, McDonalds and Kraft Heinz.
Redesigning Coaching for the Digital Age
When EZRA launched in 2019, digital coaching was still a relatively new concept. Until then, executive coaching was typically offered in person to a few senior leaders within an organisation. We wanted to raise awareness of the benefits of digital coaching and make leaders excited about participating in the coaching programmes.
Making EZRA’s users the voice of the brand
When I joined the company in 2021, we were a small team of 40 employees, but with an extended network of 500 independent coaches and some big client names. What could be more powerful than hearing about the impact of coaching directly from EZRA’s users, coaches and employees?
Together with video production agency Rise, we sent a film crew to interview EZRA coaches around the world about what makes coaching so powerful. The content was then turned into an advert and repurposed into a bite-sized video interview series on social media.
We also created USG content together with EZRA’s users: leaders within large corporate organisations. Each week, right after their coaching sessions, they vlogged about their experience. The content was then released weekly across YouTube and LinkedIn.
Marrying Storytelling with data
We didn’t stop there. We backed storytelling up with data and produced educational resources, reports, case studies and how-to tutorials.
The outcome? EZRA more than tripled its revenue in 2021. The advert became one of the most shared videos on social media, and the content was used to fuel marketing, sales, and product engagement.